My Review of All The Living And The Dead by Hayley Campbell
Title: All The Living And The Dead
Author: Hayley Campbell
Published: August 16,2022
Publisher: Macmillan Audio
Genre: History, Non-Fiction
Pages:288 pages
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Death is something that is everyday life. It's on the TV, news, on the radio, and even in the workplace or school. It's part of the inevitable. Death makes most people uncomfortable or frightened. Campbell fueled by her own curiosities takes the reader into the depths of death that most never get the sight of. She goes on the search for those who work with death on a daily basis and asks the questions that most people were told were impolite or something not to be asked by our elders.
I really appreciated the people she interviewed and the line “The first person you see dead should not be one you love” Death nowadays is something that is feared and people do not want to expose anyone to that, because when death usually comes around its someone you love and there is pain associated with that loss.
This is a book that is really great for people who are genuinely curious about death and the people who work with the dead. It contains all the information on what goes on behind the curtains that we do not really think about or information that is not usually readily available such as what happens when someone donates their body in the name of science and such. Not going to lie but this is gruesome, eye-opening and definitely, something that if you are not ready or curious about then you probably should not read.
“If the reason we’re outsourcing this burden is that it’s too much for us, how do they deal with it?”
Campbell takes a thorough approach and documents accordingly. Definitely a book I am putting on my list to purchase for myself.
While nothing I write will bring justice to her work, I did receive the audiobook to listen to from NetGalley and Macmillan Audio. Campbell was the narrator for her book and it was great! I never lost interest! This is a great listen that is something to open your eyes to!
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