Title: Deliver Us: Three Decades of Murder & Redemption in the Indamous I-45/ Texas Killing Fields
Author: Kathryn Casey
Published: January 27, 2015
Published by: Harper
Genre: True Crime/ Non-fiction
Pages: 352 pages
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
This author did an amazing job! She covered many cases and then she covered them well! She did an amazing job by covering the victims, many times when reading a true crime novel it's all about the perpetrator and the crimes. But, this book gave insight into the victims. Showed that they were actually people and they did have families, friends and lives of their own before their lives were taken tragically too soon from all of these girls/women!
Over three decades more than 20 women/young girls disappeared and many of their bodies were found, they disappeared on a 50 mile stretch between Houston and Galveston. They were savagely beaten, raped, strangled, or shot. Some of these cases were solved because many cases were not solved and probably will not be because of the time and the perpetrator has probably died or because the evidence was lost.
These girls were ultimately in the wrong place at the wrong time and they lost their lives for it.
The writing just flows and it is easy to follow. I really enjoyed all the time and effort that the author went into each of the victims and who could have killed each of these girls. I also enjoyed that the author made sure to put pictures to the names of the girls as well, this book is full of the pictures of the different girls. I definitely recommend this if you enjoy true crime books and love to hear more about the victims!
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