My Review of The Last One At The Wedding by Jason Rekulak

Title: The Last One At The Wedding

Author: Jason Rekulak

Published: October 8,2024

Publisher: Flatiron Books

Genre: Mystery/Thriller/Horror/Suspense/Mystery Thriller

Pages: 352 pages

Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


This was a rollercoaster. 

After reading his first book Hidden Pictures, I knew I had to grab his next book. While this is a completely different thriller, I liked it. 

Frank is a UPS driver, he also is estranged from his daughter and has been for years. When his daughter called him out of the blue, he was excited to hear from her. Maggie called him to let him know that she was getting married. Frank was surprised, to say the least, but then Maggie invited him to meet her fiancĂ©e and to have dinner. At the dinner, he finds out Aidan is the son of a wealthy tech guy, and Aidan isn't very welcoming and does not seem happy at the dinner. Frank is suspicious, and he shares those suspicions with Maggie however by doing so he brings friction between himself and his daughter. Even after he tries to let it go, to salvage the relationship with her he still doesn't like it. Then he receives a letter in the mail framing Aidan for a missing woman, saying that she went missing at the family's local campground, and when he asks Maggie about it she blows it off stating that the woman's mother was a psycho and just wanted money that the girl left on her own accord to escape. 

On the day that he is heading down to the family's campground, Frank picks up his sister and her foster daughter Abigail. Which originally Frank was not happy about, but he bit his tongue and went down there anyway. When they are almost to the camp they stop at a convenience store and an intoxicated man asks why he is letting his daughter marry Aidan and calling him basically a monster. Shaken by the events when they finally arrive at the camp, he is very excited to see Maggie. 

However even despite all the planned festivities for the wedding something still seems off to him, and he is still very suspicious. Then when a woman named Gwen is overheard arguing with Aidan is found dead his suspicions grow even more. Then, when he finally figures out what's going on it is much more sinister and disturbing than what he originally thought! Full of family secrets and murder this was a page-turner! I was glued to the book because I had to figure out what happened. My only complaint is I do not understand the why was he waiting for five minutes? Other than that this was a page-turner that kept me on the edge of my seat! 


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