Title: A Special Place in Hell: The World's Most Depraved Serial Killers
Author: Christopher Berry Dee
Expected Publication: June 1, 2021
Publisher: Ad Lib Publishers
Genre: True Crime
Pages: 240 pages
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
I am a true crime junkie, and this was the first book that I have read by this author. It was a different experience and this author did not not hold back at all! The author is very detailed and talks about all the different serial killers in different prisons that he was able to speak with. This author did give very detailed interactions with the killers and he has a little bit of quirkiness to his conversations, which added a different vibe to his book. This did help the book a lot IMO.
I enjoyed that this author did not try to justify the actions of the killers by their past or anything that could have been to blame like on upbringing or anything like that. He literally tells it how it is and he does not sugar coat anything for the reader. I really enjoyed this a lot and I think this book would be amazing for any true crime reader!
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