My Review of The Burning Girls by C.J. Tudor

Title: The Burning Girls 
Author: C.J. Tudor
Published: February 9,2021 
Publisher: Ballantine Books/ Random House Publishing 
Genre: Thriller/ Mystery/Horror
Pages: 304 pages 
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
After an unfortunate incident at the church Reverend Jack Brooks is moved to a small village. She hopes that it will be a new start for her and her 14 year old daughter. Now this small villiage is very peculiar and different there is a lot of unsaid things in the air and Jack is suprised to find out that she is replacing a vicar that after he was too deep into the supersitions and trying to find out what happened to two girls tha disappeared many years ago he committed suicide or thats at least what is being told to Jack.
Flo, Jack's Daughter, initially had a rough start with the kids not being so friendly and then another bullying incident where they break her prized possession of her camera. So if that is not enough she then starts to see the spirits of the girls and even a spirit in the church. Things start to get even creepier with Jack being given and exorcism kit and in her basement she finds a tape recording of an exorcism that is when things really get creepy!
I enjoyed the creepy vibes and the haunting feelings from his book, the story is solid and the mystery aspect is great! I really love how the author did pinpoint small towns and superstitions rather well! I loved this and I would definitely recommend it! 


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