Title: The Demon of Brownsville Road: A Pittsburgh Family's Battle With Evil in Thier Home
Author: Bob Cranmer & Erica Manfred
Published: August 5, 2014
Published by: Berkley Books
Genre: Non-fiction/ Horror
Pages: 304
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
So the paranormal has always intrigued me. So of course the title caught my eye.
Now, the religious aspect didn’t bother me at all because the family was battling a demon in their own home. However, the author did like to fluff his own feathers in the first half and basically told his own biography in the first half of the book. I understand that he was trying to set up his background and put out his credibility there because he worked for the people. However his fluffed feathers were over the top.
I would give the book three stars but I changed it to four stars because of how much ridicule the author received by putting out his story out there in the open where people would be a skeptic and might be quick to judge saying that the events that happened in the house never could have occurred.
Think about it this way if demonic oppression and infestations were soo believable then there would be a direct map on how to go from a to b to remove them. Each haunting or situation is going to be different, similar to other stories people will not believe them. I enjoyed the actual situation and what they did to battle the demon in the home, his biography not so much.
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