Title: The Henna Artist
Author: Alka Joshi
Published: March 3,2020
Published by: Mira
Genre: Historical Fiction
Pages: 342 pages
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
I loved how rich, traumatic, raw this story was. This story gives the reader an insight into a different culture and how things can change for a person rather quickly.
Lakshmi leaves her arranged marriage because her husband was abusive to her, she leaves with no money in her pockets. Working hard for her clients with her henna art and also her herbal remedies she is able to create a life for herself. She has herself booked and she is very ambitious to help her business grow faster and better. Then, she finds out she has a sister and that her parents whom she had wished to reunite with have passed on. She then has to take on the responsibility of her sister and try to make her business work well along with getting her sister into school and things like that along with keeping up on the payments to the builders for her own home. Things are hectic for her even more so when one of her clients believes she is messing around with her husband and then her sister encounters a strinous situation.
This story will reach for your heart strings. It's a tragic, empowering and heartbreaking tale that is so magnificently wonderful. Beautiful written and hard to put down. .
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