Title: Burying the Dead: An Archaeological History of Burial Grounds, Graveyards and Cemeteries.
Author: Lorraine Evans
Expected Publication: January 30, 2021
Publisher: Pen and Sword History
Genre: Non-fiction
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐/5
So when it comes down to burying the dead no one really thinks about the process or the ritual that the whole aspect of burying the dead had to go through. I loved all the information that this book contained! This book is really researched to a "T". The author researched many different perspectives and knew her history! I loved that she went through so many different types of burials to some that I knew of like the ship burials and then the sky burials that I literally had no inkling about it.
I also loved how she pointed out cultural aspects and religious aspects to the type of burials that occured. I loved that the author went for it, that she covered a lot of information and the book was not too lengthy. I gained a lot of insight and really enjoyed the book. I definitely recommend this book to anyone wanting insight into the history and practices of burying the dead.
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