Title: The Imposter
Author: Marin Montgomery
Expected Publication: March 9,2021
Published by: Thomas & Mercer
Genre: Thriller
Pages: 370 pages
Twist and turns galore!
This is a book that has a lot going on in it. The story starts out with Deborah. She begins hearing banging on her front door so when she goes to the door with the gun she ends up slipping on the ice but then someone kicks her in the head and she becomes unconscious.
Thousands miles away her daughter Sibley, a really successful amazing divorce attorney, ends up getting suspended at her firm and her husband is completely convinced that she is having an affair. So, during her difficult time Sibley decides that she wants to try to mend her relationship with Deborah. So once she returns to the small town she realizes fairly quickly that her mother wasn't the woman she had known. Then, the real twist, turns, secrets and history come back to haunt them both.
I really enjoyed this story. The plot and storyline were great, the pace was great and I was definitely hooked. I had to know what happened!!! I will definitely look for more from this author but I did enjoy this book. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who really enjoys domestic thrillers or thrillers that involves family history and broken families.
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